
Your Journey to Mental Wellness Begins Now

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Our Services

Initial evaluations

During an initial session, I perform a comprehensive assessment and evaluation. I utilize the information gathered from patients/families and integrate other evidence-based symptom scales and questionnaires to better understand the pt's diagnosis/es, and formulate a treatment plan. I discuss the pt's diagnoses and treatment options at the end of the initial evaluation process.

Treatment plan

I partner with my patients to discuss their treatment options that include interventions. I integrate multiple factors into my patients' treatment plans including their support system and collaborative team, often with a mutual goal of achieving the optimal results with minimal medications.


I integrate therapy, primarily Cognitive Behavioral Therapy into medication management for effective symptom management and to achieve better mental health outcomes. During your session, we will discuss your needs and decide the most appropriate ways of integrating the therapy modalities into your treatment plan.

Our Services

Mood disorders, Anxiety disorders, Trauma, Bipolar and Related Disorders, Psychotic Disorders ADHD, Sleep disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alcohol/substance related addictive disorders, and Other Psychiatric Disorders.

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Contact Us

Email us : info@sridevibankaipns.com

Phone: 510-760-9671

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